Visual Basic Cheat Sheet

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  1. Visual Basic Coding Cheat Sheet
  2. Cheat Sheet Recipes
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Visual Basic Cheat SheetSheet

Visual Basic Coding Cheat Sheet


Cheat Sheet Recipes
' Data Types
Integer' Simple numbers
Double' Numbers with decimal points
String' Text (a string of characters)
Boolean' True or False
' Create a variable
Dim...asDouble' Put the name of your variable here
' Create an array
' Ask user for value
Console.Write('What is the value of x? ')
' If...Else If...Else
If...Then' Put a condition in here
ElseIf...Then' Put a different condition in here (optional)
Else' Code below will be executed only if the above conditions aren't met (optional)
' While loop (when we don't know how many times we need to loop)
...' Put the code you want to repeat here
LoopWhile...' Put the exit condition here
' For loop (when we know exactly how many times we want to loop)
ForiasInteger=0To10Step1' i is a variable inside the loop that tells us which iteration we're on
...' Put the code you want to repeat here
Nexti' This tells the loop to step i and repeat the loop
' Define a structure
Structure...' Name of structure goes here
Dim...As...' Name of first field and field type go here
...' Any other fields that you need follow the same pattern
' Write to a file
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(filename,text,append)' first two args are String, last one is Boolean
' Exception handling, pulled from:
' Starts a structured exception handler.
' Place executable statements that may generate
' an exception in this block.
Catch'[optional filters]
' This code runs if the statements listed in
' the Try block fail and the filter on the Catch statement is true.
'[Additional Catch blocks]
' This code always runs immediately before
' the Try statement exits.
' Ends a structured exception handler.
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