React Mdx

# react # javascript # mdx Sebastien Lorber Aug 14, 2020 ・ Updated on Aug 16, 2020 ・1 min read Hey, I don't know who needs to read this, but we can use all the power of React and hooks directly in MDX. React primitive UI components built with Styled System. The magic of MDX is that it knows how to treat the above file as a Markdown file but also as a JavaScript module in the sense that it can import and use React's JSX. Using MDX with Gatsby. Even though MDX isn't Gatsby-specific, this article is about setting up MDX with Gatsby specifically and some of the hurdles you might face.

When writing MDX, sometimes you want to display more dynamiccontent than you otherwise would be able to. An MDX filethat can be templated for different content or to helprender a <RelatedPosts/> component. Since MDX is 'just aReact component' we can leverage the props that get passedin for this.

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React Mdx Blog

Lets say we have some reasonably complex MDX file that usesa variety of components for SEO, displaying images, andlinking to other pages. Note: this example MDX contentassumes you've built a site withgatsby-mdx,but the props access works for any MDX implementation.

React Mdx Editor

Since we've assumed that this is a Gatsby site, thefrontmatter is passed in via the page context as a prop toour MDX component. We can then use the props global toaccess any prop we want. We could use the frontmatter propsto display a new heading using

In context this looks like:

And that's it. You can access any prop from any MDX relatedlibrary you're using because this is supported in the corefunctionality. Write your props access like you wouldnormally for any other React component and you can pass inthe result of Gatsby page queries from templates, customprops, or anything else you can think of.

MDX is a wonderful way to write content for React-based apps. It gives you the succinct syntax of Markdown, with all the power of raw JSX. And while MDX started out as an obscure little package, it’s grown to be supported by everything from Next.js, to Gatsby, to mdx-deck.

But there’s one place where support has been conspicuously missing: create-react-app 2. Here’s why.

#Configuring create-react-app

While create-react-app 1 allowed for slight modifications to configuration through react-app-rewired, this wasn’t supported by the create-react-app team itself.

With create-react-app 2, official support was added for some extensions through babel-plugin-macros. In fact, it’s possible to get some MDX support with babel-plugin-macros through the mdx.macro package (by yours truly). However, this package has a major drawback: you’ll need to manually restart the server each time you change an .mdx file.

In order to implement proper MDX support through babel-plugin-macros, babel itself will need a new feature. But this feature doesn’t exist yet. So how are you going to get the benefit of MDX without ejecting from create-react-app?


One of the great things about create-react-app is that it doesn’t force you to use the official scripts. It makes it dead easy to use a fork. And given that there’s now a react-scripts-mdx fork, this means that getting started with MDX and create-react-app is a one-liner:

Simple, huh? Or if you’ve already got a create-react-app generated project, you can add MDX support by just switching out react-scripts with react-scripts-mdx in your dependencies and running yarn install or npm install. Then, you’ll be able to add MDX files like this to your project:

Then import and use your MDX file, just as you would with any other React component:

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Neat, huh? But while adding MDX support is super easy, is it really ok to use a fork?

#What the fork changes

The react-scripts-mdx fork makes a single change to react-scripts:

React Mdx Tutorial

react-scripts-mdx will transform .md and .mdx files with mdx-loader.

The fork is tested, and is only a tiny patch on the main create-react-app project — making maintenance easy. Of course, the fork shouldn’t be necessary forever! Once babel-plugin-macros gains live reload support, it’ll be simple to transition over to that instead.

But for the moment, if you need MDX and create-react-app? Give react-scripts-mdx a try!

React Mdx

Thanks for reading! And if you have any questions, give me a shout on twitter at @james_k_nelson. And until next time, happy mdxing!