

  1. Image Typer
  2. Image Type 1
  3. Image Type Transparent Background
ImageTypeImage typerz

Image Typer

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
      voidCloneTo(ImageType that)
      booleanequals(ImageType other)
      Determines whether this instance is equal with specified 'ImageType' instance
      static booleanequals(ImageType obj1, ImageType obj2)
      booleanequals(Object obj)
      Determines whether this instance is equal with specified uncasted object, which presumably is another 'ImageType' instance
      static ImageTypegetBmp()
      File extension (without leading dot character) of a particular image type in lower case
      .NET-standard image format description of a particular image type, if it is a raster image format
      static ImageTypegetGif()
      static ImageTypegetIcon()
      ICON image type
      static ImageTypegetJpeg()
      MIME code of a particular image type
      static ImageTypegetPng()
      static ImageTypegetSvg()
      SVG vector image type
      static ImageTypegetUndefined()
      Undefined image type - special value, which should not normally occur
      static ImageTypegetWmf()
      Returns a hash-code, which is an immutable number for this specific instance
      static booleanop_Equality(ImageType first, ImageType second)
      Defines whether two specific ImageType instances are equal
      static booleanop_Inequality(ImageType first, ImageType second)
      Defines whether two specific ImageType instances are not equal
      static ImageTypeparseFromFilenameWithExtension(String filename)
      Returns ImageType value, which is equivalent of filename extension, which is extracted from specified filename
      static ImageTypeparseFromMime(String mimeCode)
      Returns ImageType value, which is equivalent of specified MIME code
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Image Type 1

Image type in database

Image Type Transparent Background

Returns true if the passed in ImageType is the same as this image type. Public void setTo (ImageType o) Sets 'this' to be identical to 'o' Parameters. ImageType public ImageType(java.lang.Object obj) throws Deprecated. As of ArcGIS 9.2, replaced by normal Java casts. ImageType theImageType = (ImageType) obj; Construct a ImageType using a reference to such an object returned from ArcGIS Engine or Server. This is semantically equivalent to casting obj to ImageType. Thank you for reaching out here in the Microsoft Community Forum. We understand that you’re having issues with some of your HTML emails containing images, as they aren’t loading. Imagetypes : int Returns the image types supported by the current PHP installation. Is the image an ORIGINAL Image; an image whose pixel values are based on original or source data. Is the image a DERIVED Image; an image whose pixel values have been derived in some manner from the pixel value of one or more other images.